HTML Cheat Sheet
HTML Tag Function
<em> Italicize the text
<li> list items
<ol> ordered list
<ul> unordered list
<div> divides content into containers
<br> Line break element
<h1>-<h6> Heading Elements
<p> Paragraph Element
alt Alternative Text if image fails to load
<body> content of HTML document
<span> inline container to seperate pieces of text
<strong> Make the text Bold
<a> anchor element for hyperlinks
<head> info on HTML page that is not displayed
<!-- --> Comments to describe code
<!DOCTYPE html> document type declaration
<title> contains title of html document
<td> table data element
<tr> table row element
<thead> table head element
<tfoot> table footer element
<th> used to add titles to rows and columns
CSS Cheat Sheet
CSS Selector Meaning Example
Universal Selector Applies to all elements in document *{}
Type Selector Matches element names h1, h1, h3 {}
Class Selector Matches elements with specific values indicated with a period .note {} p.note {}
ID selector Matches an element whose id is specified after a hash symbol #introduction
Attribute Selector Matches elements with an attr attribute (whose name is the value in square brackets). a[title]{}
Pseudo-class Selector Pseudo-elements start with a double colon ::. p:first-child { }
CSS Colors
CSS color CSS tag
hsl() Hue (the color value itself), saturation (intensity), and lightness.
rgba() Supplied with three values representing red, green, and blue. These values range can from 0 to 255.
Hexadecimal colors Composed of 6 characters–each group of two represents a value between 0 and 255 for red, green, or blue.
RBG Should be supplied with three values representing red, green, and blue. These values range can from 0 to 255.